MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine government is now questioning whether China is really committed to de-escalate tensions in the West Philippine Sea after a series of maritime attacks in the disputed waters, the National Maritime Council said Monday.

In a statement, NMC rebuked China’s “repeated aggressive, unprofessional, and illegal actions” in the West Philippine Sea over the past week, adding that in less than a week, two maritime incidents were recorded in the disputed maritime area.

Chinese aircraft first carried out dangerous moves against Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) planes during routine patrols near Bajo de Masinloc and Zamora Reef. Then, just yesterday, China Coast Guard and Chinese militia vessels blocked, rammed, and used water cannons on a BFAR ship, the BRP Datu Sanday, while it was delivering food, water, and fuel to Filipino fishermen at Escoda Shoal.

“These provocative and dangerous actions were made in the space of only a week is alarming, and calls into question China’s supposed commitment to de-escalate the situation in the area and create a conducive environment for dialogue and consultation,” the NMC said in its statement.

The maritime council likewise said that the operation conducted by BFAR in the area was lawful and in accordance with its mandates.

“It should be made clear that the Philippines has never provoked the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which in turn has relied on deliberate and intentional harassment and intimidation to interfere with Philippine sovereign operations, and endanger the safety of Filipinos aboard Philippine vessels and aircraft conducting their routine missions,” NMC said.

It said that China’s illegal actions show its blatant disregard for international laws, including UNCLOS and the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Award, which are meant to keep ships and aircraft safe.

Despite these incidents, the Philippines will continue its lawful operations and expose the illegal activities of Chinese vessels and aircraft in its maritime zones, the NMC said.

“The Philippines will never waver in exercising its sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, and defending its maritime and archipelagic interests consistent with international law. The Philippines will continue to pursue the proper diplomatic approaches to resolve ongoing maritime issues, and therefore strongly urges China to return to the path of constructive dialogue on matters related to the West Philippine Sea,” NMC said.

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