MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine government has once again slammed China after it rammed another local ship, this time, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessel in Escoda Shoal on Sunday

Several videos show that Chinese Coast Guard ship 21551 rammed the port side of Datu Sanday but Chinese media reports said that the China Coast Guard, who is occupying the Philippine maritime territory,  only took “control measures” against Datu Sanday which “illegally intruded” the shoal. 

In a statement Sunday, the National Security Council said that the BRP Datu Sanday (MMOV 3002) encountered “aggressive and dangerous maneuvers” from eight Chinese maritime forces while operating from Hasa-Hasa Shoal to Escoda Shoal. 

The Hasa-Hasa (Half-Moon) Shoal is around 60 nautical miles from Rizal, Palawan, and Escoda (Sabina) Shoal is about 110 nautical miles away, both situated well within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

According to the NSC, the Chinese vessels’ actions were intended to block the BFAR vessel’s humanitarian mission to deliver diesel, food, and medical supplies to Filipino fishermen.

“The BRP Datu Sanday was targeted by the People’s Liberation Army Navy(PLAN) 626 and multiple China Coast Guard (CCG) ships, which attempted to encircle and block the humanitarian mission. The CCG vessels made close perilous maneuvers that resulted in ramming, blasted horns, and deployed water cannons against the BFAR vessel, eventually leading to the latter’s engine failure and forcing an early termination of the humanitarian operation,” NSC Assistant Director General Eduardo Año said.

“These unprofessional, aggressive and illegal actions posed serious risks to the safety of the Filipino crew and the fishermen they were meant to serve,” he said. 

Malaya said that a Philippine personnel fell overboard and were then rescued by the Chinese Coast Guard are “completely unfounded.” This “misinformation,” he said “clearly demonstrates” China’s “willingness to distort the truth and engage in disinformation to bolster its public image.”

“The Philippine government calls on the People’s Republic of China to halt these provocative actions that destabilize regional peace and security,” Malaya said.

The NSC official said that the Philippines remains firm in asserting its rights under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award.

The 2016 arbitral award grants the Philippines full rights over the West Philippine Sea, but China has refused to recognize the ruling. Instead, China has conducted intrusive patrols and harassed Philippine authorities and fishermen in the area for years.

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