MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) denied Chinese reports saying China had extended help to rescue Filipino fishers during an explosion near Bajo de Masinloc. 

According to Chinese reports circulating online, China Coast Guard “helped rescue” a Philippine boat in distress near Bajo de Masinloc. 

“They struggled with editing their videos this time. Otherwise, they could have uploaded their lies immediately before I even had a chance,” PCG spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea Commodore Jay Tarriela said. 

Tarriela also showed evidence showing Filipino fishers receiving first aid from Philippine responders, not from Chinese authorities. 

During the rescue, the Chinese Coast Guard sent two boats that didn’t help the PCG. Instead, they made it harder for them to save two Filipino fishermen with serious injuries, according to Tarriela. 

“During the rescue operation, the Chinese Coast Guard deployed two Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) not to assist the PCG, but to obstruct and hinder their efforts in rescuing the two injured Filipino fishermen, who suffered second-degree burns,” he said. 

On June 29, two of the eight fishermen aboard the Filipino fishing vessel Akio were injured due to an engine explosion. This incident occurred 17 nautical miles southwest of Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal or Panatag Shoal), which falls within the Philippines’ 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone.

The injured individuals, identified by the PCG, were:

– Freddie Legaspi (boat captain, injured)

– Rolando Lumapaz (injured)

– Mark Asuki

– Lowigi Asuki

– Ernie Adliana

– Erick Ricolozado

– Gilbert Sabido

– Birgiliu Repondi Alacre


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