MANILA, Philippines — The National Security Council on Monday slammed the People’s Republic of China for disturbing the country’s airspace off Bajo de Masinloc last week. 

In a statement, the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea described the attack as irresponsible, unprofessional, illegal, and dangerous acts of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) after it “harassed” a Philippine Air Force (PAF) patrol aircraft on August 8 in the skies near Bajo de Masinloc.

“Just when the waters of the West Philippine Sea seemed to show calm, the airspace above it was disturbed with acts of aggression,” it said.

The PAF aircraft encountered eight rounds of flares fired by Chinese fighter jets, which allegedly flew at a “very close” distance. 

According to the NSC, the PLAAF aircraft engaged in risky maneuvers near the PAF aircraft on a routine patrol mission, despite no provocation or valid reason. 

The PLAAF planes intentionally deployed flares close to the PAF aircraft, endangering the safety of the Filipino crew. 

The NSC urged the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to halt all provocative and dangerous actions that could jeopardize the safety of Filipino military and civilian personnel in the waters and skies. 

Such acts threaten regional stability and diminish the trust and confidence of the international community in the PRC, the security council said. 

According to the NSC, air and maritime security patrol missions will continue within the Philippines’ sovereign territory, airspace, and exclusive economic zone, adding that surveillance of the country’s airspace will be “intensified” following the violent airspace incident. 

Aside from its aerial patrols, China has been deploying military vessels within the Philippines’ maritime areas. This activity stems from the 2016 Hague ruling, which China continues to reject, asserting that the South China Sea, now referred to as the West Philippine Sea, is part of Philippine territory under international law. 

Beijing maintains its claim over the region and has engaged in surveillance, reclamation, and intrusive patrolling of the area for over a decade.

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