Actress Andrea Brillantes may not have any sense of smell at all but that did not prevent her from venturing into a business that requires what she doesn’t have, a perfume business. 

In one of her recent Instagram posts, the actress informed her followers about the launch of her own perfume. 

“As many of you know, I was born with congenital anosmia (no sense of smell), but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about the scent I use!” she said in her post. 

“In fact, my disability has made me more conscious of how people perceive my smell. So, even though I can’t smell, I still enjoy wearing perfume and I’m often asked about the fragrance I use,” she said. 

Her disability has made her even more conscious of how she smells, she said. So even though she can’t appreciate scents, she still enjoys wearing perfumes and often being asked of the brand she uses. 

Her new venture earned praises from netizens who congratulated her. Many also expressed excitement at getting their hands on her Brillantes’ new line. 

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